We know you lead a busy life and don’t have time to waste – That’s why we work around you. Tell us when and where and we make it work. Tier 1’s mobile personal training service provides quick and efficient fitness solutions to people of all ages and all levels.
It’s fitness on the go for people who strive to be more productive and more efficient. We complete a fitness assessment; do some strength and flexibility testing as well as movement and postural analysis to give us a base to work from.
Once you decide to make a long-term commitment we will collaborate with you to create an eight-week program that meets your goals and desires but is still enjoyable and fun at the same time. This is a great way to improve your fitness through some structured mobile personal training.
Goal Setting Baseline testing (BMI, upper and lower body strength, core strength) – Strength Session – repetition based workout on primal movement patterns
Injury history, strength and flexibility testing – Muscular endurance workout
Postural Assessment – Boxing fundamentals or Mobility and rehab – learn boxing technique or how to improve mobility and flexibility